General Information

  • Information on Disability Services
    The Citizens Information website provides information on health services for people with disabilities.
    Citizens Information Website
  • Older People and the Internet
    Almost one in five Irish adults have never accessed the internet according to the national Digital Strategy Report, 2013.. Of those aged between 60 and 74 years old, 53% have never used the internet. And of those aged 75 and over, only 3% had accessed the internet. This age group are those most likely to need support but are least likely to receive it, given their lack of internet usage. If you are a younger person reading this link and if you know an older person who may need our help, please pass on our contact details.
  • Have you had a bad Experience as a Patient while in Hospital?
    If you feel you have been damaged or mistreated while a patient in an Irish hospital, Patient Focus will advocate on your behalf and ensure that your rights are protected.