The Grace O'Malley Foundation logo

What We Do

Dedicated to supporting our sick, elderly people ‘on the margins’



The Grace O’Malley Foundation was founded to provide practical assistance elderly people who wish to remain in their own homes for as long as is practicable. The Foundation aims to assist our ‘old, sick, poor’ who are living in social isolation in unsuitable accommodation and who are vulnerable in old age.
The Foundation was formed in August 2015 and is run by a voluntary Board of professionals and one staff member (currently unremunerated).
To this end, we will assist with home adaptation grants, the provision of stair lifts, mobility scooters and wheelchairs, respite and heating grants. Our goal is to ensure that all elderly people living in our society are treated equally, irrespective of their wealth or lack of.

Both the Government and the HSE have stated they are in favour of elderly people remaining in the community as they age. However, there is not enough investment to allow low dependency elderly people remain in their own homes; there is a gap between what the State will provide and what is required for an elderly person surviving on the old age pension to remain independent. The percentage of elderly people currently in nursing homes in Ireland is higher than in any other European country and funding for housing adaption grants has been reduced by circa €26 million in the last five years.

The Grace O’Malley Foundation assists people who wish to stay in their homes by providing mobility aids, such as stair lifts and mobility scooters/wheelchairs, technology that gives you freedom and security and grants towards housing adaptations. We will also help with winter heating grants and respite care grants.

If you feel that you or an elderly friend or relative needs help, please contact the Grace O’Malley Foundation

Staff, Board, Code of Conduct

Blaise O’Hara

Clodagh Blake, Davnet O’Driscoll, Stephen O’Kelly, Annemarie McRedmond

David Crowley, Margaret Kavanagh

The Grace O’Malley Foundation is committed to achieving the standards contained within the ICTR Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising

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The Grace O’Malley Foundation has signed up to the Governance Code: Principles of Good Governance

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The Foundation is committed to honest fundraising practices and is committed to high levels of accountability and transparency to the organisations who support us. All fundraising activities will be detailed in our annual report.

If you have a complaint about your experience in dealing with the Foundation,

please email
or telephone: 086 807 8661,

or in writing to
The Grace O’Malley Foundation,
Farranseer, Cornafean
Co. Cavan.