
Paypal Donations

Use the button on the right to make a once off donation using your credit card or Paypal account.

Corporate Donations

Many companies now have a CSR policy and give generously to charities. Irrespective of how small or large your company is, we would be very grateful for any support you could give us.

The Grace O’Malley Foundation receives no government funding and relies solely on the generosity of companies and individuals to fund our services to our elderly, poor people.

If you would like to make a corporate donation to the Grace O’Malley Foundation please add your details below along with the amount you would like to donate.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Direct Debits

    Monthly direct debits are an easy and generous way of supporting us. Please click below if you wish to set up a monthly direct debit to the Foundation.

      Your Name (required)

      Your Email (required)

      Your telephone number (required)

      Amount (required)

      If "other", state how much

      Alternatively, please download a postal form (click here).

      Individual Donations and Support;

      How you can Help
      There are a myriad of ways that you, as an individual, or you as a company representative can help us:

      • Lobby your company to partner us as your ‘chosen charity of the year’
      • Payroll Giving
      • Fundraising at work
      • Sporting events
      • Participating in marathons
      • Volunteering
      • Pub quizzes
      • Church gate collections
      • Participating in bucket shakes

      Other events that will encourage your friends and family to become actively involved with the Foundation. Irrespective of how bonkers your idea might be, we would be delighted to hear from you!

      Legacy Donations

      Legacies are an important source of fundraising income. If you choose to gift funds to the Foundation in your will, this legacy is 100% tax exempt so we will receive ALL of what you choose to donate to us. For more information on leaving a legacy, please email

      Life Insurance Donations

      If you are planning to take out a life insurance policy, we would be delighted if you would consider citing the Grace O’Malley Foundation as a partial beneficiary of your policy. Tax benefits would then accrue to you and to the Foundation.

      In Memorium Donations

      The decision to make an In Memorium donation is a difficult one as it will be the result of losing someone you love and care for. If you choose to donate to the Foundation in lieu of funeral flowers, you can donate online or by sending a cheque, bank draft or postal order to:
      The Grace O’Malley Foundation, Farranseer, Cornafean, Co. Cavan

      or telephone: 086 807 8661.

      All donations will be acknowledged with a ‘thank you’ letter.

      How We Can Help You

      • Offer advice and support on existing or potential fundraising events and activities run by you individually or by the company you work for.
      • Provide branded fundraising items – tabards, t shirts, posters etc.
      • Promote your event on the Foundation’s website and via social media.

      If you would like to speak to us about fundraising please contact us on 086 807 8661 or email