8th November, 2019, The Westbury Hotel, Dublin 2. 12.30pm. Tickets cost €100. Come and enjoy a lively afternoon of good food, wine and comedy in the attractive surroundings of the Grafton Suite. Contact us for tickets: Email: info@graceomalley.ie
Clew Bay Garden Trail
The Grace O’Malley Foundation has partnered withThe Clog Factory, Westport as part of the Clew Bay Garden Trail 2017. The Clew Bay Garden Trail provides a wonderful opportunity for visitors and residents to explore the unique gardens along the shores of Clew Bay. Stunning views, inspiration and tranquillity are all on offer for your adventure along this beautiful coastline. All proceeds of visits are …
Coffee Morning, Brambles Café, Rathfarnham Castle
A coffee morning is being held in Brambles Cafe, Rathfarnham Castle on Tuesday, 3rd May, 10am-12pm, in aid of the Grace O’Malley Foundation. Cost €5 per person. We would be delighted if as many people as possible attend our coffee morning and a big thanks to Brambles for supporting this most worthy cause by sponsoring the entire event.
The Grace O’Malley Foundation becomes the first charity under new regulations
The Grace O’Malley Foundation has become the first of a group of new charitable organisations to be awarded ‘charitable status’ by the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA) under the Charities Act 2009. Established in 2015, The Grace O’Malley Foundation’s mission is to assist older people who wish to remain living in their own homes with independence and dignity for as long …